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企 业 名 称:东莞良声纸制品厂

所 属 网 库:东莞礼品网库

联 系 人:jack lua先生

职 位:业务部业务联络人

员 工 人 数:未知

主 营 产 品:礼品盒 酒盒 珠宝盒 首饰盒 精品盒 手机盒 彩盒 皮壳 精装书 平装书

公 司 地 址:中国 广东 东莞市 长安镇新民社区新民路34号

联 系 电 话:86-0769-13717344880

移 动 电 话:13717....点击此处可查看手机号

公 司 传 真:86-0769-85548269

注 册 资 金:未知

经 营 模 式:外资企业 ;生产加工

主 营 行 业:纸制工艺品 其他未分类 首饰包装 酒类包装 香烟包装 月饼包装


    良声纸制品有限公司专业经营纸类制品业务,主要产品有:各类日历、精装、平装书籍、日记本、记事本、文件夹、纸袋、餐牌、首饰盒、洋酒盒、化妆品盒及各类高级商品包装盒。 有道是:质量是企业的生命。明和公司深谙此道,公司一建立,便是以“高品质”为经营宗旨。聘请高级技术管理人才,加强员工的归属感,提高产品质量意识;同时,对员工分批进行技术、管理再培训,周而复始,循环不息,以其工艺精湛,品质优良。一分耕耘,一分收获。明和公司不断的努力,换来客户的好评---产品质量在同行内名列前茅。 明和公司将一如既往地以客为尊,待客以诚的作风,高质量服务,不断奉献给海内外朋友。 明和公司可助您与世界名牌携手成长。 Mainwall Paper Products Factory Limited mainly concentrates on the business of hand-made paper products. Those products include calendars, hard-cover or paper-back books, diaries, files, bags, pokers, menus, stationery, jewellery boxes, wine boxes, cosmetic boxes and gift boxes for various high quality commercial products etc. “Quality is the life of enterprise” becomes the priority of main wall’s strategy on business operation. Since the establishment of our company, “High-quality” is always being maintained as our business goal. All of our employees, regardless of technicians or ordinary staffs, have to join our provided training classes in groups. Further training keeps improving their skills and let them realize the importance of meticulous hand –work. Obviously, we are aiming at steadily occupancy of a fore-front position in terms of the quality of products. For the further enhancement of our business, your present and guidance are welcomed. Mainwall ensured you the outstanding quality for your required products based on the spirit of our constant quality improvement.
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