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企 业 名 称:平度市宏达草制工艺品厂-业务部

所 属 网 库:平度礼品网库

联 系 人:潘燕女士

职 位:业务部厂长

员 工 人 数:未知

主 营 产 品:草编工艺品 储纳盒 餐垫 草帽 婴儿蓝

公 司 地 址:中国 山东 平度市 平度市高平路北段西侧

联 系 电 话:86-0532-88336256

电 子 邮 箱:

邮 政 编 码:266700

移 动 电 话:13465....点击此处可查看手机号

公 司 传 真:86-0532-88336256

注 册 资 金:未知

经 营 模 式:私营独资企业 ;生产加工

主 营 行 业:工艺礼品加工 民间工艺品 广告促销礼品 纸制工艺品


    Pingdu hongda Straw Arts&Crafts factory is located in the hometown of straw crafts - Pingdu of Qingdao, with a strong production base of straw. It takes just 40 minutes' drive to the airport and dock. As one of leading factories in the area of art & craft, we have the capability of developing, producing, and selling new products. With the development of several years, we have developed four series of products, including plant weaving series (fashion bags, storage baskets, and placemats), plastic weaving series (bags, storage baskets, and placemats), fashion crochet series (fashion bags), paper straw series ( fashion bags, storage baskets, and placemats). All the products are sold to European and American markets. Our company is actively developing other international markets such as Asian market. We follow the tenet of "Keeping credit, good quality, fast shipment, and big outputs". We are in the leading position in the field and we are becoming the first choice of international buyers step by step. 平度市素来有着“草编工艺品之都”的美称,宏达草制工艺品厂坐落在平度是高平路北段西侧。依靠本地资源优势,本厂可为您提供优质纯手工草编制品,包括各种女士手提草编包,鞋帽;竹、柳、藤系列编织包;纯手工编制玩具;塑编环保编制品:洗衣篮、菜篮子,收纳筐,超市购物篮、袋;家居日用收纳橱柜;国内外节庆礼品......产品以色泽天然、美观大方、绿色环保,经济适用深受国内外客户欢迎。 本厂的产品在原料至成品一条龙生产的每个环节均实行层层把关,品质卓越,质量上乘,且款式新颖,美观大方。可结合不同的客户定向制做相关产品,货期快,质量好,产量大,是大型纸草等工艺品需求商的首选厂家.本厂始终坚持质量第一、信誉至上的宗旨,以重合同、守信誉赢得广大客商的信赖,使产品畅销世界多个国家和地区。 本厂的产品款式美观大方、外形的设计非常时尚超前,款式极具有青春活力,设计简约自然, 颜色多样,令每一位顾客都会找到自己称心的颜色。 真诚欢迎国内外友人和同行业的朋友光临本厂,携手并肩相互发展,用我们的真诚心和真实的行动共同编织出一个美丽的世界!
    平度市宏达草制工艺品厂-业务部Pingdu hongda Straw Arts&Crafts factory is located in the hometown of straw crafts - Pingdu of Qingdao, with a。
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